Best ways to Live your Dreams and make the most of your time! Also how to achieve the life you dream…. read on…

Follow these steps for the body of your dreams! Go For Gold! Tips from a Professional Trainer and Fitness Expert: Read here about how to STAY IN SHAPE once and FOR ALL… and love yourself fully! With photos by Award Winning Photographer George Dimitroff.

Learn these expert secrets for enhanced fitness training and performance. See improved results – faster! Here are expert fitness secrets for you to master yourself!

Do you find yourself logging into facebook several times a day?
Are you accessing Facebook through multiple devices on multiple occasions?
Did you ever sacrifice sleep to browse Facebook before shutting your eyes for the night?
Perhaps the first thing you do in the morning, at night, or whenever you open your device, is to ‘check Facebook,’.
If you can relate to these situations, this interesting challenge is one to try! (Not to mention, people are swearing by…)

Welcome to my 3-part blog series aimed at getting you in shape for Summer, and beyond! I am happy to share my tips, tricks, and secrets for optimizing your health and wellness. Today we will talk specifically about diet. Diet is equally as important as exercise when it comes to balancing health and wellness. You will lose serious excess weight by eating properly – it also restores you to being healthy.

You have 30 days to achieve the greatest body you have ever known. It isn’t rocket science, it’s putting one foot in front of the other and to start moving. Make time to focus on fitness daily. Here’s how…

Editors Note: The ‘Dating Tips’ statements are not a reflection of the personal opinion of Theresa Longo.

This regimen outlines my favorite diet tips for physical improvement and longevity. I feel the best I have ever felt in my entire life. Follow this diet and your skin will be bright, your energy level superb, and your mind clear and alert. Your cardiovascular system is improved and your digestion is impeccable. When you are faced with the choice to eat something ‘not so great’ – just imagine what your body will look like in a few weeks if you stick to the plan. I actually watch my skin (particularly my face ) grow younger before my eyes. You have everything to gain by making small adjustments….