Be aware. There are many scams that take place online because it is easy for the perpetrators to mask IPs, create fake emails, forms, and generally hide behind their computers from any place in the world with internet access. Read about this VERY common type of scam happening via internet today…
Canadian FIlm and TV Star Theresa Longo explains How to Become an Actress/Actor in this exclusive interview.
Based on her own experiences in the world of entertainment and public relations, Theresa uncovers the lengths people go online, to scam and lure.
Seasoned traveller Theresa Longo explains all her best travel secrets for being able to seamlessly switch environments in a matter of hours…
Midwives are essential care in healthy pregnancy for many awesome reasons. They are a wealth of valuable information for new moms. In this post, you’ll learn a few game changing tips to make life with new baby easier thanks to midwife knowledge.
Do you find it impossible to grow long hair? Check out these helpful hints. Actress Theresa Longo shares her professional secrets to long, healthy hair. All-natural steps to adding hair length revealed here…
Shanti Bowl is the best, authentic Tibetan singing bowl I have ever played! Find out why people use Tibetan singing bowls and what the benefits are. Learn how to play a bowl for yourself in this post!
Set yourself up to have a fit, healthy, blissful pregnancy with these tips. Positive vibes only!
Helpful hints for actors and performers! Follow these unspoken set life rules to be the real star of any show! Essential tips can be applied to multiple industries…
Best ways to Live your Dreams and make the most of your time! Also how to achieve the life you dream…. read on…