Cuba was perfect for a family vacation! 2 weeks at Grand Memories Holguin, Cuba for escape from ordinary. The animation team was a hit, leading all the fun you can ever imagine. See more!
Cuba was perfect for a family vacation! 2 weeks at Grand Memories Holguin, Cuba for escape from ordinary. The animation team was a hit, leading all the fun you can ever imagine. See more!
Seen across Canada in print & online, Theresa Longo posed for Sun News Photog Jack Boland. Rare seen photos linked here!
“Anti-Cancer” by David Servan-Schreiber, MD. PHD. cites numerous olive oil benefits. Eating powerful super foods (like Olive Oil) helps activate immunity to spur natural killer cells into action. Healthy Harvest is best-tasting, organic, pure Olive Oil. Read why!
Celtic Sea Salt is all natural salt. Salts from the coldest deep water ocean currents or salt right from the brine! The alkalizing PH level in this mineral rich Sea Salt is fantastic for your body! Read about the health benefits here
Fortify immunity, be resilient & resistant. Natural #ZSTACK vitamins developed by Nobel Prize nominee Dr. Zelenko.
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Recently I did a 3 day cleanse in Costa Rica with The Healing Cuisine. This nutritionally supportive and renewing juice cleanse resulted in blemish-free skin and a fresh feeling! Read it here…
“Masks, Crutches, and Daggers” shows natural selection contradicts excess wealth and power! We examine the evolutionary path chosen by humans and consequences of “sky’s the limit” life no longer bound by nature or balance.
I love coffee! As a mom to a 21 month old, I really appreciate (need) to savor a morning coffee. When I learned about the incredible quality and organic grow conditions of Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee, I tried some to see what was so different about this coffee.
Coffee grown in the Blue Mountains of Jamaica is coveted worldwide. Limited grow acreage and other exotic features make up the world’s most expensive coffee. Birdy’s Daughter launches a Toronto debut selling rare, Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee®.
Exactly how I lost 55 lbs gained during pregnancy in 3 months! (And what motivated me to do it!)