Simply put, Celtic Sea Salt is all natural salt. “The salt normally found in homes and restaurants is very different than nature’s original Celtic Sea Salt Brand. Table salts are mined with bulldozers & machinery with a negative environmental impact. The salt is then iodized, bleached and diluted with chemical anti-caking agents. The end result is a far cry from what nature intended.” -Celtic Sea Salt
Celtic Sea Salt makes incredible, natural salts from the coldest deep water ocean currents or by making salt right from the brine! Their website affirms Celtic Sea Salt® has several times the mineral & moisture content of other leading salt brands. Selina Naturally® was kind enough to send a wide selection of unrefined, sustainably harvested, Celtic Sea Salt. Selina Naturally® travels to great salt producing regions hand selecting only the best quality to become Celtic Sea Salt. This salt is also said to have numerous health benefits.
The finest salt available: Each salt harvest is carefully inspected and the cream of the crop is chosen to bear the Celtic Sea Salt label.
Selina Naturally® Celtic Sea Salt sent:
Fine Ground Vital Mineral Blend Sea Salt
Flower of the Ocean (Which is the highest culinary Celtic sea salt in the world. In coastal European salt flats, under perfect weather conditions, these delicate crystals form on the surface of the brine. The result is a natural phenomenon producing this gourmet salt, valued as a delicacy around the world.
Makai Pure Deep Sea Salt containing 2% RDI Calcium and Magnesium along with an exceptional alkalizing 10.22 PH balance. Regular table salt has a PH of 7. Celtic Sea Salt® Makai Pure® Deep Sea Salt is absolutely nothing other than the extracted pure minerals from the deep sea which crystallize in a pharmaceutical grade facility.
Toasted Sesame Sea Salt
Toasted Sesame Sea Salt with Flax inside a ready made grinder – It can be ground fresh!
Organic Celtic Sea Salt Garlic Salt – Tastes incredible on everything!
Celtic Sea Salt Bouquet Herbes de Provence
Organic Celtic Celery Sea Salt – SO GOOD around the rim of my virgin CEASAR
Gourmet Seaweed Seasoning, which is a natural source of iodine.
Organic Rosemary Seasoned Celtic Sea Salt® Blend
Organic Smoked Applewood Seasoned Celtic Sea Salt® Blend

Thank you Celtic Sea Salt and Selina Naturally!
Selina Naturally is also a supplier of MōR® Organic Moringa Oleifera Supplements. The leaves of the Moringa tree are tiny, green, and packed with over 90 nutrients, 46 antioxidants, and all 8 essential amino acids. Moringa leaves are rich in vitamins K, A, C, B6, Manganese, Magnesium, Riboflavin, Calcium, Thiamin, Potassium, Iron, Protein, and Niacin. Known to elevate mood and improve sleep, it also beautifies skin! I have been taking Moringa for two weeks and the results are fantastic with bright skin and luscious hair! Get yours here.
I have been using the Celtic Sea Salt Electrolyte Powder. This stuff is absolutely AMAZING!
Selina Naturally® offer a vast array of resources for optimal health and well-being; Selina Naturally Brand is the trusted source for organic, gluten-free, raw and vegan foods. Selina Naturally sent me high temperature Coconut Oil for cooking with! Not only is this vegan Coconut Oil fantastic for cooking, but it also doubles as a moisturizer, a wrinkle preventer, an immune booster, and speeds up healing cuts or scrapes or bruises when applied topically. Coconut oil is delicious, raw, living food. It can be used for dipping too! Selina Naturally Brand send me yummy dried pineapple slices (super high in fibre) – and it is the perfect snack to combine the two together!