Here are my top 8 Tips to land your next big audition & get more call backs while glowing & growing your awesome IMAGE!
These tips will ensure you enjoy a thoroughly enriched, long lasting career in the entertainment industry.
Here are my top 8 Tips to land your next big audition & get more call backs while glowing & growing your awesome IMAGE!
These tips will ensure you enjoy a thoroughly enriched, long lasting career in the entertainment industry.
I recently taught aspiring models of all ages at the gorgeous studio loft at STRUTT Central tips to boost their modeling career.
Read about the contents of the class here….
For some people – public speaking is the last thing on earth they would enjoy doing. Perhaps you are getting nervous right now just thinking about it! If so, this is a perfect post to help you adopt some new techniques for controlling the way you feel about speaking in public. Here are my best public speaking tips and secrets to completely quell any fears you may have about addressing an audience.
A sharp sense to hone as a public figure is to always know when the camera is capturing you. Furthermore, knowing great poses is essential to being a fantastic model. There are many important tips to remember to strike the perfect pose every time; I have compiled my best posing tips into this post for you to practice and enjoy!
1. Encourage Interaction. Ask your followers a question. If you’re firstly wanting more followers to be able to interact with, you might want to look into follower growth tools services similar to Tweeteev as an example. Ask them what they are eating/doing/thinking and you are sure to generate responses. Often times, people will re-tweet hugely general items such as ‘What are you doing tonight?’ — because it applies to their own followers as well.
2. Use a good photo that clearly shows Who You Are. Stand strong behing your Twitter image. Consider this your Twitter-Face. Pick a photo that shows mostly your face (if it is a personal account) – or a captivating, eye catching photo if you plan to use the account solely for business. Logos are good. Branding is excellent.
3. Include a link. Link to interesting content, to relevant content or to amusing pieces of info. Even better: shorten the link. You can shorten any long, wordy link here.
4. Leave enough room in the post for retweets. Remember your twitter handle (@theresalongo) will be included in the retweet. Make sure you’ve left enough space. This ties back into TIP #1. Keeping things short and generic increases the chances your message will be picked up and shared by another. The 65 character rule is prime.
5. ALWAYS read into any links you are about to retweet. If you are going to suggest any post to your lot of followers, check it out to make sure it’s legit. There are a lot of bots on twitter who post bogus links. Once I was following this ‘Chef’ who always tweeted things like “Delicious Avocato Sandwich Recipe *link*” or “Homemade Turnovers *link*”- anyway, I never really investigated his links despite making a mental note that they all sound delicious. I once automatically re-tweeted his link to ”Moist Chocolate Fudge Brownies” only to realize in horror upon investigation it definitely wasn’t food he was tweeting about. Thank goodness for the ‘UNDO RETWEET’ option. TIP: You can undo any tweet you have sent by revisiting the original person’s Tweet that you’ve shared.
6. Talk to someone. Social media is one massive conversation occurring with ourselves and with everyone in the room all at once. Reply to someone else’s tweet and be yourself.
7. Know your audience and find out when you get the most exposure. Everyone has a demographic. An example of top times to tweet are 9:00-10:00AM, 3:00-4:00PM, and 7:00-10:00PM. 2 sites to help you work out top tweet times SocialBro and Tweriod.
8. Choose your words carefully. As I mentioned above, keeping Tweets generic and simple is best. Did you know? Certain words get re tweeted more than others. The least retweetable words: game, going, haha, lol, but, watching, work, home, night and bed.
9. Re-Tweet yourself. Obviously exercise moderation – but if you write a Tweet which often applies, favor it. If you aren’t sure how to favor tweets for revisiting later, check out this helpful article.
10. Share other peoples content. Mix it up. You get what you give! Share what you find most interesting or amusing on Twitter and you’ll increase the chances of someone else doing the same for you.
This exciting expert makeup tutorial is brought to you by Stefania Serna in collaboration with Theresa Longo. In this post we’ll learn best makeup tips for creating a beautifully finished face and hot hair! First, a little background on Stefania: She only uses the highest quality , most versatile products. Stefania exudes class, professionalism and grace wherever she goes! Follow her on Twitter here:
Follow @stefania_serna
Click to Enlarge Before and After Photos
Always start with a fresh face! We began by washing my face and hair in preparation for makeup application.
Stefania applied a primer with clean hands to begin the look. The primer is called Pro Professional from Benefit.
Concealer is applied. Concealer is Makeup Forever.
Next is eyebrows. Eyebrows frame your face. Brow is Chanel.
Primer goes on the eyelid, and then we start with the shadows.
After the eyes, Stefania uses Foundation and finishes with a powder to set the makeup.
She uses light pink lips and noted that it is considered a very sexy look to have a dark, smoky eye and nude lips.
After my hair dried Stefania used a straightening iron to make soft waves throughout my hair.
Everyone loved our looks. Fabulous!
Follow Stefania Serna on Twitter here:
Follow @stefania_serna
Special Thank You to Stefania Serna for her EXPERT Hair and Make Up Demonstration
Interested in Modeling? …..
Learn the BEST ways to TRULY break into the Entertainment business. Enter a long-lasting career in Entertainment learning from a professional!
Big Photo shoot coming up? Wish you had someone to coach & choreograph you through it? Need help getting more call backs? Having trouble remembering your lines?
Looking to improve your poses? – Always angle yourself perfectly for each shot with my techniques.
I can help you.
Look your best. Act your best. Land your auditions. Win your pageants. Here’s HOW…
Being immersed in the world of hair and makeup puts me face to face with professional makeup artists from around the world! Over the years I have amassed a vast number of expert make up tips to share with you. This post outlines my typical routine for photo shoot make up. To determine a less dramatic every-day -wear-look, this post has been divided into two parts: Every Day Wear & Photo Shoot Flair. I have worked with a lot of talented, inspiring make up artists. They are highly passionate and love to be creative. Check out my beauty secrets and expert makeup tips below:
Make-Up Tip #1. Always Start with a Fresh Face
Wash your face before applying make-up. Give your makeup a fresh foundation by cleaning and cleansing thoroughly prior to the ‘paint’.
Make-Up Tip #2 Choose Your Base
For every day wear I love L’Oreal True Match
Make-Up Tip #3 Conceal, Contour and Highlight
My favorite makeup tool is undoubtedly YSL Touche Eclat. I use this above and below my outer brows, around my mouth, nose, and along the bridge of my nose. YSL Touche Eclat actually perfectly conforms to your skin tone and can be used to spot treat as well. I have included a contour diagram. The white shows where to use your YSL Touche Eclat on your face for best results. I use my clean fingers to blend my make-up. Check your face in natural light to ensure you do not have any unsightly streaks!
Make-Up Tip #4 – Beautify those Brows
Beef up your brow game with a great eyebrow pencil. When your eyebrows are well done you can get away with wearing as little make-up as possible. If you think you need a more permanent solution, then you could even get in touch with Carlita PMU or an equally qualified expert for a microblading procedure that can give you natural-looking, fuller brows to suit your face. Good brows frame your face and make you look put together. For the best brows, a tip is to angle your brows, starting where your inner eye creases with the angle peaking ever so slightly out of center of your eyeball when you are looking straight ahead. Lastly your brow should end at the outer corner of your eye, approximately on the same level as your brow started. See Diagram. My favorite brow pencils include Maybeline and MAC eye brow pencil.
Make Up Tip #5- Luxurious Lashes
If you plan on turning your look up a notch for club wear or for a phot0 shoot, please proceed to Make-Up Tip #7 now. For every day wear, line your eyes with liner and brush a couple coats of mascara on your lashes. Here is a great tip for eyeliner: When drawing the line on your upper lid, the widest part of your line should be above your eyeball. Many ladies widen the line as it nears the corner of your eye; If you want to open up your eyes and make them more round, make sure your eye liner is thickest over your eye ball only.
Make-Up Tip #6 – Lovely Lips
Finish off your every day wear with lip gloss. Fresh, dewy lips are a must for your every day wear look.
Make-Up Tip #7. Applying False Lashes
Many ladies tell me they have a hard time applying false lashes, I’ve heard from ladies that it’s ‘messy’ or ‘impossible’. For me, I have mastered the trick to applying perfect lashes every time. You will need a pair of tweezers, and eyelash glue. I love QUO products. First, make sure you put each lash on the correct eye! Put the widest part of the last toward the inner corner of your eye! Many ladies apply the lash starting with smallest end first. To make your eyes appear round and wide ensure the longest lashes are next to the bridge of your nose. This will open your eyes and make them full and gorgeous. If you would rather apply the lash smallest end first- that is fine; however I am simply outlining the professional make up tricks I have learned over the years of working in the modeling industry. So, now you know which lash goes on which eye, cut the lashes in case they are too long or too wide. Take the first lash in your hand and apply a band of glue along the edge of the lash. Wait a few seconds, and gently lay it over your own lashes along the base of the lash line against your eye lid. To further solidify the lashes, and to prevent them from permanently popping up, use your tweezers to carefully bond the false lashes against your own. Always look away from the tweezers when bringing them anywhere near your eye.
Make-Up Tip #8. Define your Eyes!
After you have applied your lashes, add base hues to your eye lid. I prefer a reddish, rust colored base, gold, deep greys and purples to accent my brown eyes. Add Mascara and Eye Liner. Go back to Make-Up Tip #5 for useful tricks to applying perfect, professional grade, eye liner and mascara after color.
Make-Up Tip#9. Bronzer or Blush
I rarely wear blush or bronzer unless a MUA applies it. Reserved for public appearances or TV blush or bronzer really amps my look. Blush should be applied sweeping from the center of your face below the apple of your cheek all the way up to the highest point on your cheek bone.
Make-Up Tip#10. Lavish Lips!
My look is finalized by lining my lips with a color slightly darker than the hue of my lips and a quality gloss. There are endless options for lips. For glossy color, apply a coat of clear gloss over your favorite lipstick color. You can also leave your lips nude and glossy, or alternatively forego the gloss and wear a matte finish color for a classic, sexy look. In the cold winter months or in the hot summer sun, Lip Medex protects, smoothes, and saves my lips.
Thank You for Checking Out My Expert Make-Up Tips.
Click HERE to Find Out How to Get Glowing Skin
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Have you ever had a question about hair or wondered about a hair myth ? We’ve got the answers here in this blog! This blog is ultra special because he has agreed to offer powerful insight into ANY my most pressing hair myths & questions! We’ve also got incredible references to back up the fine points to this discussion & to shed additional light on how to get the most flair from your hair…
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