Learn excellent tips how to Raise Brand Awareness Online. Do more to promote your online presence. Read on…
Learn excellent tips how to Raise Brand Awareness Online. Do more to promote your online presence. Read on…
Helpful hints for actors and performers! Follow these unspoken set life rules to be the real star of any show! Essential tips can be applied to multiple industries…
If you want happiness, freedom, power and money in this life, making small adjustments ensures you’re able to go wherever you want, when you want, all while saving up a huge nest egg. It is possible to live the life you dream, debt free, ALL while saving. These tips will help you do just that…
The World of Beauty Pageants is a fun, challenging, and exciting world. I am going to share with you the best beauty pageant tips I’ve amassed over the years of competing. Last year I was crowned Miss. Italia North America; I traveled to Italy for 3.5 weeks to compete on the World Stage. Here are my pageant tips…
Recently I received Avivo Pur’s Healthy Living Clay Mask. Alkalizing and purifying, this calcium bentonite clay is safe to eat or use anywhere on your skin. It works internally by attracting poisons from the gastrointestinal tract. Read about it’s incredible healing properties here…
I am a practicing vegan for several years. I feel great. I am in excellent shape although you can judge for yourself .
I positively influence several of my close friends to adopt a healthier lifestyle through diet choices alone.
A lot of people would love to eat vegetarian or vegan; however many people lament to me “I could never do that…”
The following beauty tips are fabulous! Practice these Pro Tips and master them easily on your own… Have fun!
What is the 5-Minute FACELIFT? It is the ALL NATURAL way to maintain your youth! This is a NON SURGICAL way to look and feel great!
TRUTH: The way you take care of your body ultimately determines the way you look.
FACT: Eat clean, drink a lot of water, and exercise to retain youthfulness.
Follow these top 5 tips for an all natural facelift! People will wonder how you do it!
Through the years I shot with hundreds of photographers with varying levels of experience and dedication. I write this post to share with you what separates the ‘best from the rest’ in terms of choosing a photographer, building a portfolio and collaborating on ideas. This post will guide you in your decision making process; outlining steps you should take when forming a decision about who to work with in this complex industry. This post has excellent tips for established models but is mainly aimed at models entering the business…
Halloween is over and you are probably left with a heaping pile of junk food laying around somewhere.
It’s tempting to treat yourself to a helping here or a helping there.
If you want to lose weight the best way is to control your face – and what goes directly into it.
Getting a firm grasp on your diet is not easy. It is the hard part about being in shape.
A lot of people say “Oh – I can’t wait until I hit my goal weight and then I can cheat on my diet” – but the truth is everything counts. You always have to work off what you put into your mouth – EVEN when you’re already fit.
Read this post to arm yourself with the right diet tools to avoid the temptation of junk food and stick to it!