Cover Photo by Jack Boland
This New York Times article says
you’ll likely weigh the least that you’ll weigh all year: NOW.
Pssh! With my fabulous fitness tips in our latest #Fitness #Podcast
Learn how to beat the statistics and stay super fit through to the new year…
Theresa Longo shares her top tips on how to be fit and strong before Christmas.
- Stay Active.
- Do what makes you happy.
- Enjoy foods you love in moderation
- Be mindful of drinking calories.
- Drink more soda water, eat more yummy Christmas goods!
- Get small workouts in when you can during the day.
- Push yourself to get results.
Lenka Gourdie shares her experiences about TRX and why one should use it to get fit and strong. What is your favorite quick workout? (Under 30 minutes)
In this podcast we talk about ways how to maximize your workout time and be able to enjoy the holidays to the fullest – guilt free 

Principles of Branding follow a pattern. As well, brands you are able to identify now, were once unknown. All brands all share a common denominator: recognizable 'brands' were once just…