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Eat for maximum fuel, perfect health & beauty! Top Tips to Look Great!

By August 15, 2012May 12th, 2014Beauty Secrets, Beauty Tips, Fitness, Modeling Tips

Achieving fitness goals through moderation of diet requires strength, determination and willpower. It is important to watch carefully everything you put into your mouth. Remember: Do Your Personal Best. If you follow these diet tips you will notice an improvement in your mind, body, mental well-being, not to mention a total regulation of every system in your body. The key to success is making healthy choices most of the time.

This regimen outlines my favorite diet tips for physical improvement and longevity. I feel the best I have ever felt in my entire life. Follow this diet and your skin will be bright, your energy level superb, and your mind clear and alert. Your cardiovascular system is improved and your digestion is impeccable. When you are faced with the choice to eat something ‘not so great’ –  just imagine what your body will look like in a few weeks if you stick to the plan. I actually watch my skin (particularly my face ) grow younger before my eyes. You have everything to gain by making small adjustments.

Pretty sure I should name this diet “THE SUPERMODEL DIET”. Because if you follow these steps and eat properly you will definitely have a beautiful healthy body!

Tweet me your before and after results! Try this diet for 2 weeks.

1. Cut Dairy Products  – Dairy is quite hard on the digestive track. What many people do not realize is that when you eat cheese, milk, or dairy your body creates pounds of mucus to break it all down. Don’t believe me? Take the 7 day dairy detox. Can you maintain this most important change in your life for just seven days? Most people successfully weaning themselves from all milk and dairy products immediately observe dramatic physical and emotional changes. Better sleep, more energy, few, if any,  mood swings. Just seven days to a new you. Take the challenge. Your body will thank you. So will those who care most about you []. Check out the 7 day dairy detox here: I drink yummy almond milk and coconut milk.

2. Give up animal meat. – Yes. This means pork, beef, chicken, turkey etc. We live in a highly advanced society where we are fully able of fueling our bodies with adequate proteins, vitamins, greens,  and more, without resorting to eating these types of animals. The argument I often here is, “My muscles will fade,” & “How will I get enough protein?”. Your muscles will not ‘fade away’ if you continue to work out and fuel your body properly, which brings me to the answer to the second argument: “How will I get enough protein?”

These are the best high-protein foods to eat. Note I have listed the number of grams of protein in each serving for you to make it easy. The point is to eat a lot. Haven’t hit your protein requirement for the day yet? Keep eating! This is actually your chance to eat a lot! Seasoning goes a long way – it is impossible to complain about the flavor with a variety of spices available at the grocery store.

Eat as much as you can:

Vegetables – the proper foundation for all diets.
• 1 avocado – 10 grams Protein
• 1 cup broccoli – 5 grams Protein
• 1 cup spinach – 5 grams Protein
• 2 cups cooked kale – 5 grams Protein
• 1 cup boiled peas – 9 grams Protein
• 1 cup cooked sweet potato – 5 grams Protein

Legumes, (also vegetables), get their own mention. Specifically lentils and beans, the foundation of many diets for centuries.
• 1 cup lentils – 18 grams Protein
• 1 cup refried beans – 15.5 grams Protein
• 1 cup garbanzo beans (and hummus) – 14.5 grams Protein
• 1 cup pinto, kidney, black beans, white beans, chick peas – 13-15 grams Protein

Nuts and seeds – a staple in most vegetarian and vegan diets. <— Should not be used as primary source of protein. Nuts are pretty fatty. If you want your abs to come through, avoid nuts.
• 1 oz. cashews – 4.4 grams Protein
• 1 oz. sesame seeds 6.5 grams, 3 tablespoons of tahini – 8 grams Protein
• 1 oz. pistachios – 5.8 grams Protein
• 2 tbsp almonds – 4 grams Protein
• Nut butters – peanut butter, almond butter, cashew butter – 2 tablespoons has about 8 grams of protein

Non-dairy milk – I love almond milk personally. Buy it instead of real milk.

Grains – Ancient grains, sprouted grains, multi-grains – a major part of the diet.
• Quinoa is versatile and delicious. 1 cup – 9 grams Protein
• Amaranth, bulgur, brown rice, wheat germ, oat bran are other grains with a high protein content.
• Oatmeal – 1 cup = 6 grams Protein
• Sprouted grain bread products – buns, tortillas, bread. Pack a sandwich or a wrap and you’ll get 7-10 grams from the bread alone.

4. Adopt a pescatarian lifestyle. (Seafood is packed with protein) (Try to ensure you choose fish from non-farmed sources. Look for ‘wild’ variations of fish or shop organic.

5. Convenience foods & Supplements: Every day I mix 2 cups of  VEGA (all natural plant based proteins) with fruit & veg for a powerful nutritious punch. You can get Vega at some local grocers as well as Shoppers Drugmart. 2 scoops of vega is almost 30 grams of protein. All plant based goodness! In a blender add a handful of spinach or kale in each smoothie along with cut up raw beets, fresh and frozen fruit (bananas, blueberries, cherries, raspberries, blackberries etc) and almond milk. You just gotta learn to suck it up and drink it. You will feel fuller longer and your body is getting serious nutrition.

6. Practice refraining from fried or fast foods or refined sugar.  Self explanatory. It is a crucial part of the success you will have with your new transformation. Your skin will glow, and your mind becomes crystal clear. This one is extremely hard, I realize. Deal with sugar cravings one at a time. It can be torture – promise yourself you will try your best. You may experience withdrawal symptoms like headaches, and low energy when eliminating sugar completely from your diet. Once you begin to get used to not eating sugar – you will quickly realize your taste buds adapt – making sugar free foods more palatable.

7. Adopt a diet free of alcohol.  – Alcohol is poison for you. Take some time away from alcohol. Alcohol wreaks havoc on your body.

8. Maintain a diet free of eggs.  Store bought egg chickens go through some of the worst treatment in the factory farmed industry. Also egg yolks can raise cholesterol levels for days.

9. Points to Ponder : Bananas are the fast-food of fruits and you should try to eat fruits other than banana, and the same goes for carrots too. Remember these items as a sweet treat.

10. Aim for 3L of water a day. (This number may fluctuate by  half a litre or so on days depending on your activity level)  Water is what makes your skin clear, smooth, refreshed and young looking. When your dehydrated it is easy to see in the face and especially around the eyes.

Now  you have no excuses. I have laid your entire diet on the table for you, literally and figuratively. Follow this diet  for beauty, health, strength and longevity.  You can spin it any way you want and say that this diet sucks, or that it is bland. The true fact is you get seriously shredded if you adhere to this type of diet. It takes planning when you go out places.  This diet can be refreshing and there is nothing stopping you from seasoning all your food to your hearts content. It takes will power. It takes a lot of control. Are you strong enough to monitor what you put into your mouth for a while? I find it empowering to choose to have nothing when the only other option is meat. Having said that, most times I am prepared with my own fruits, veggies & vitamin packs for when I am traveling or away from home for a long period of time. What is the point of doing this? Watching your body and mind react to the food you put into your mouth is pretty awe inspiring. This type of self control ultimately causes you to look inwardly. It is a rewarding lifestyle where you put yourself in control.

Inwardly: Adverb. Definition: Directed or proceeding towards the inside.”
Also into or towards the mind, spirit, or soul. Feeling a smile on the inside, not showing it on your face

Enjoy this path… it is quite amazing. Your new body and mind thank you.

Tweet #MyDietSuccess Follow @TheresaLongo

For More Diet Tips Check Out:

10 Reasons to Try Vegetarianism!

My Fitness Tips   

Get in Great Shape Fast! 



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