Download or read PDF Project Playbook Internet safety Handbook and Professional Public Relations tips. Version for kids, actors, entertainers, self-employed. Excellent information to stay safe online.
Download or read PDF Project Playbook Internet safety Handbook and Professional Public Relations tips. Version for kids, actors, entertainers, self-employed. Excellent information to stay safe online.
News about Project Playbook – internet safety guide for kids and adults.
Based on her own experiences in the world of entertainment and public relations, Theresa uncovers the lengths people go online, to scam and lure.
Fresh from a movie set and onto the next big thing! Music, movies and more. This is the official 2017 press kit for actress, influencer and brand ambassador Theresa Longo.
T&A Productions © Presents: Official 2017 Re-Launch. T&A Productions Ⓒ has been curating content and viral marketing campaigns for years. Find out HOW we boost the #popularity of YOUR #business…
Are you on Instagram? Be sure to follow Theresa Longo, feature film actress, musician, seasoned traveller, blogger, and fitness expert. Clicked that follow button yet? The proof is in some of these great shots taken directly from Theresa’s Instagram Account…
Canadian Correspondant Theresa Longo sits down with social media guru and online expert Keith Keller for interesting and informative chats about social media, marketing oneself online and blogging
Thrilled to announce the launch of #Twitter4Fashionistas a GLOBAL Fashion movement . #Twitter4Fashionistas will CHALLENGE, and follow emerging trends in Fashion; We believe true beauty is happiness radiated. We believe Love is beautiful. #Twitter4Fashionistas
After connecting with Darrell Stern of Stern LLC and exchanging messages on Twitter; I was immediately impressed by Darrell’s professional ability to plan, organize and execute initiatives with cunning precision. I am so pleased with Darrell’s proven track record of success.
Read my exclusive interview with Mr. Darrell Stern.
Do you find yourself logging into facebook several times a day?
Are you accessing Facebook through multiple devices on multiple occasions?
Did you ever sacrifice sleep to browse Facebook before shutting your eyes for the night?
Perhaps the first thing you do in the morning, at night, or whenever you open your device, is to ‘check Facebook,’.
If you can relate to these situations, this interesting challenge is one to try! (Not to mention, people are swearing by…)