My GO-TO? Comfort! Ditch heels, prefer practicality for public appearances! Photographer George Dimitroff captures my casual pregnancy looks in the final weeks! Stay comfortable
My GO-TO? Comfort! Ditch heels, prefer practicality for public appearances! Photographer George Dimitroff captures my casual pregnancy looks in the final weeks! Stay comfortable
Find out how to use the best, handmade dry brush on the market: Prana Brush. Learn why dry-brushing is detoxifying and anti-aging too! Prana Brush is designed to be used without water, soap or oil. These hand-made, highest quality brushes are made with extra-fine ion charged copper bristles. Negative ions protect your body and have numerous health benefits. Read on to find out more about this amazing, anti-aging skin brush!
Grandma was as proud of me as I was of her. A touching story about the last time I saw my Grandma…
Shanti Bowl is the best, authentic Tibetan singing bowl I have ever played! Find out why people use Tibetan singing bowls and what the benefits are. Learn how to play a bowl for yourself in this post!
Boo Bamboo has all-natural, vegan and cruelty free products for hair and face! Watch what happens when Theresa Longo uses Boo Bamboo Conditioner and Serum on seriously stressed tresses. The real results are amazing! See before and after photos here!
For several years I champion the benefits of Natera Superfood Products. Those who know me, know that in real life I eat hemp and stay super healthy. Recently Natera unveiled a brand new product to the market: bars combining organic toasted hemp seeds, organic hemp protein and HempOmega™ 3-6-9. See why they are SO amazing….
After studying ‘Plastic Accumulation in the North Atlantic and Pacific Oceans’, there is solid evidence we can all ‘help’ to ease the burden of plastic and micro-plastic found in our oceans.
Meeting the World’s Most Famous (and Beloved) Crow: Canuck the Crow! See the famous crow up close and personal! Find out how you can get an orange zip tie to raise awareness for animal cruelty.. .
BAOBAB Natural is a brand of organic and delicious personal care products. Win a 100% Natural BAOBAB organic lip balm with baobab oil just by sharing this post. Have a look at what you can WIN here…
Canadian international actress and model Theresa Longo tests The Green Beaver all natural coconut moisture shampoo and conditioner showcasing real results here! See the before and after – just one wash!