Vaughan’s BEST Kept Secret: Myo-Fascial Release Therapy. Why is this treatment is good for athletes, runners, injuries, & TOTAL body relaxation? This is unlike any massage therapy treatment you have EVER experienced! Here’s Why….
Vaughan’s BEST Kept Secret: Myo-Fascial Release Therapy. Why is this treatment is good for athletes, runners, injuries, & TOTAL body relaxation? This is unlike any massage therapy treatment you have EVER experienced! Here’s Why….
Learn these expert secrets for enhanced fitness training and performance. See improved results – faster! Here are expert fitness secrets for you to master yourself!
Welcome to my 3-part blog series aimed at getting you in shape for Summer, and beyond! I am happy to share my tips, tricks, and secrets for optimizing your health and wellness. Today we will talk specifically about diet. Diet is equally as important as exercise when it comes to balancing health and wellness. You will lose serious excess weight by eating properly – it also restores you to being healthy.
Halloween is over and you are probably left with a heaping pile of junk food laying around somewhere.
It’s tempting to treat yourself to a helping here or a helping there.
If you want to lose weight the best way is to control your face – and what goes directly into it.
Getting a firm grasp on your diet is not easy. It is the hard part about being in shape.
A lot of people say “Oh – I can’t wait until I hit my goal weight and then I can cheat on my diet” – but the truth is everything counts. You always have to work off what you put into your mouth – EVEN when you’re already fit.
Read this post to arm yourself with the right diet tools to avoid the temptation of junk food and stick to it!
One of the biggest components to losing and keeping off extra pounds completely rests on what goes into your mouth. Recently the daily mail published a story suggesting the secret to health and longevity is to simply eat less. This isn’t to say you should not care deeply about nutrition. The most important part of obtaining a shredded frame is
The secret to clear skin is to learn how to manage your skin as it undergoes changes due to aging, stress, and life! Your skin is always changing. These are the best tips I have found for achieving bright, beautiful skin most of the time….
Welcome to part 2 of my Fitness Tips!
A series aimed at getting you in PERFECT beach body shape for the summer – and beyond.
Here I share my tips, tricks & secrets for optimizing your health and wellness.
Canadian Pageant Queen Theresa Longo Announced as Headrush Angel Model Search (Finalist!) View the HOT photo that landed her a spot at the TOP … Here!! …