Peterborough Sports HQ! Peterborough Sports Headquarters Magazine interviews Peterborough-born actress Theresa Longo about the importance of health and fitness. Definitely worth the read…
Peterborough Sports HQ! Peterborough Sports Headquarters Magazine interviews Peterborough-born actress Theresa Longo about the importance of health and fitness. Definitely worth the read…
Thank you to loyal visitors and readers at theresalongo.com/blog. 2015 was a record year for BLOG TRAFFIC! It is time for a new contest, brought to you by theresalongo.com and Natera Life. WIN THIS INCREDIBLE Natera™ PRIZE PACK – ENTER TO WIN when you SHARE THIS POST. Draw is to be held on Dec 15, 2015.
Maybe you have heard of these types of people or seen one in real life- ripped, fit, healthy, vibrant vegan people. People who seem to effortlessly stay in shape, and eat a variety of vegan foods. Happy, smiling, light, energetic Vegans! Some vegans seem to be getting younger before our very eyes! Now you can do it too. Here are 10 Secrets from a Healthy Vegan…
High in Protein and Fiber – Natera Blackberry and Pomegranate hemp protein has 15g of protein per serving and 7 grams of fiber! Try this excellent smoothie recipe Made with Natera Blackberry and Pomegranate Hemp Protein. Do you love this recipe ?
Welcome to part 2 of my Fitness Tips!
A series aimed at getting you in PERFECT beach body shape for the summer – and beyond.
Here I share my tips, tricks & secrets for optimizing your health and wellness.