I am totally in love with Natera Hemp Protein Powder. It is perfect for everyone including Vegetarians and Vegans.
Check it out…
From NateraLife.Com
“Want to reduce, or even totally eliminate, animal protein from your diet? Problem solved. Natera Hemp Protein Powders give you complete animal-free protein in potent whole-food, raw form. Naturally loaded with all the essential fatty and amino acids, fibre, vitamins, minerals, chlorophyll and calcium, our Hemp Protein Powders make it easy to achieve your optimum nutrition. Just two heaping tablespoons of live-enzyme Hemp Protein Powder, and you’re covered for the day.”
Recently I made a tasty fruit and veggie smoothie using Natera Blackberry and Pomegranate Hemp Protein powder.
Click here to check out the full ingredient list in a new window
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Frozen Strawberry and BlueBerry
Almond Milk / 1/2 CUP
Water 3-4 cups
Small Handful chopped Carrot
2 tbsp flax seed
half cut cantaloupe
1 banana
2 cut Peaches
2 Full scoops of Natera Blackberry Pomegranate Hemp Protein
Natera is high in protein and fiber! This excellent hemp protein smoothie recipe has 15g of protein per serving and 7 grams of fiber!
We will make this one again!
Two Enjoyed !
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