Exciting time for my husband and I to know we are expecting a baby Spring 2019. I am a lucky lady with no nausea. When I found out I was expecting I was already into healthy daily Natera #hemp smoothies and @AvivoPur vitamins and I upped my water intake. Pregnancy is a great time to remember to trust yourself fully. You (your body) knows what to do; success is rewarded after doses of commitment.
Here are some tips I have learned so far to keep things positive.
More on this subject when baby arrives!

Actress Theresa Longo and her husband at home in Costa Rica.
Drink Water.
Normally, women should drink 3-4L daily to be healthy. Making and housing a baby uses a TON of water, so to feel good, drink 5L daily. I found myself clearing 5L a day in the first trimester. I was taking a ton of Avivo Pur minerals so it was safe to drink water to my heart’s content. Water helps cleanse your body and nourish your growing baby. I firmly believe my water intake and commitment to consuming a complete nutritional profile helped eased tough symptoms experienced by some during pregnancy. Water can prevent unhealthy weight gain and stop muscle cramps.
If you are getting those excruciating leg cramps so many women complain about: drink more water before bed and throughout the night whenever you wake up to use the restroom. By the end of the second trimester I was going 3 times before bed and then about twice during the night. Yes, it is annoying to wake up to pee; but in a way it prepares you for waking up for feedings. It is little coincidence that the cramps often hit when you have been sleeping or resting for many hours. If you are eating a variety of healthy foods, taking your vitamin and still getting leg cramps it is directly related to your body’s water levels. Keep downing water!
Believe and trust in yourself and your destiny!
You already know all you need to. Mindset is everything. Things haven’t been a total breeze but these tips make things more manageable. The first trimester I was tired a lot and felt a world of emotions. I had a couple severe migraines which made me sick to my stomach. Despite some setbacks, continued commitment to healthy foods, sleeping well and resuming exercise when I felt better truly helped get me out of a 3rd month funk! My second trimester was full of energy with lots of swimming and walking. Believe in you! I realize I have it easy compared to those with severe morning sickness. I commend those who are going through a tough pregnancy. Get support whenever you need it. Look for natural remedies and hang in there. Be proud of yourself! Take things one day at a time and trust the universe. When I tell some people I’m doing a natural birth in a home-like setting; planning on a drug-free experience some of my friends who have had traumatic births side eye each other. I am not deterred. I know in my heart how it will be – and it will be awesome! Friends who had medical interventions often were the ones who reported the most trauma. I am confident I can tap into the power that my body has to give birth easily and naturally, no matter how difficult it will be. Even if plans change and I go to a hospital in the end, that’s OK too. One option is not better or worse than the other; a lot of it boils down to your state of mind about the situations. Let people’s opinions float into one ear and out the other. (Even doctors’!) In the beginning one doctor’s vague interpretation of my blood results with comment that I had ‘high hemoglobin’ was completely cleared up by another, nicer doctor who showed me my numbers were well within a normal range. Get printouts of all your ultrasound results, scans and blood work results that get sent to your doctor. Analyze that stuff for yourself and get second opinions. One doctor I saw for one or two appointments seemed intent on scaring me – while my regular GP always put forth positive praise while being honest and thorough. I now have a midwife and a backup one who are equally as helpful. Trust in YOU and your body overall. Even in birth, you still own your body. Trust your intuition. You do not have to let doctors “speed things up” – you do not need an IV just because they try to push one on you. Instead, get up and walk around or move. Get into your own space and stick to your plan as much as possible. No doctor knows your body as well as you do.
What’s In A Name? Everyone Has An Opinion
“Whenever anyone asked what we will name the baby, I continued to smile and say “We’re not sure yet” even when we were totally sure of the name,” my best friend revealed to me during a phone call.
She went on to say that ‘everyone’s got an opinion and will throw their two cents in’ before the baby is born, but very few people would dare to argue parents about a baby’s name after it arrives and a name is chosen. My good friend went on to say that before the baby was born and names were still being talked about, some people even outright told her they disliked the name she chose! Fast forward to years later, she stuck with the name she wanted and his name is totally suitable, unique and cute. No one else’s opinion has to affect you or your decisions!
Eat healthful.
I packed on pounds rather quickly but things leveled out around month 6. I eat multiple healthy meals often and get plenty of fruit and veg. Around month 8 I really started to gain FAST! I put on 25 pounds in the final 8 weeks. It was sometimes daunting; but I felt good overall, and tried to watch what I ate as much as possible. Pay no mind to people’s opinions on your body while you are pregnant especially if you constantly eat a lot of healthy food. As long as you feel good and fit; that’s what matters. Love yourself. People kept asking if I was having twins at first. I took it as a compliment but it subconsciously made me think absurd thoughts like “AM I getting too big?” Pfft! As if!
It’s also funny when people look at you and say “almost hey?!” as if you are about to give birth right then and there.
“I have three months left, you haven’t seen anything yet!” is the thought that crossed my mind a lot when people offered their opinions on how large I was when I was just going into my third trimester. It is super helpful in general, if you listen to, but don’t take to heart anything anyone has to say! In month #9, I had people look at me and tell me I was “so small,” or “all bump” yet by that point I gained almost 45 pounds and felt my biggest ever. Literally, at every stage, everyone had a different opinion of my size at all times. Despite my serious 40 lb weight gain by the 9th month, I got sent for an ultra sound in month 8 because my belly was measuring slightly smaller than normal (by inches) – but everything was just fine, I just have strong stomach muscles. My blood pressure has been incredible (on the low side) and I have 0 swelling so far. I attribute all this to the healthy eating and the water intake. Just enjoy yourself. Don’t even think about the weight and eat well. You can resume activity after baby is born and you feel like it.
Keep Working (If you want to!)
There is absolutely no reason why you still cannot have a flourishing career. Take advantage of entrepreneurial benefits that arise with pregnancy and make the most of your ‘you time’ if you are self-employed. In Canada, unionized performers can get coverage through an “Arts and Entertainment Plan” – and you can also apply for Government Employment Insurance if you are an entrepreneur. Just be sure to start the process early on – just creating the account in Canada requires a PIN code that is MAILED to you, and usually takes 5 business days to arrive. Note: If you do enlist in the Employment insurance they actually deduct it from the rest of your future earnings for life. Knowing this, it just wasn’t worth it in the short term for me and I chose to forego it. Ignore nay-sayers and people who suggest your career will in any way stall (unless of course, you purposefully want to take a break). As cliche as it sounds, anything is possible when you firmly believe in it. I was doing headshots and updating my actress portfolio at 8 months! At 9 months pregnant I was doing fashion photoshoots, still attending events and galas and making public appearances where necessary.
Be fit and active when you can!
When I didn’t feel like doing anything – I didn’t! With lethargy I rested and with high energy I stayed active walking, swimming and light training. The first month I surfed twice a day. I eased up in month 3 when I started showing, with only a few sessions and by month 5 and 6 surfing with the ultra short board became super difficult. Do what you can, only when you feel like it. Serena Williams won the Australian Open final while eight weeks pregnant!
You have everything you need!
Think only of essentials. Baby bassinet or bed, sling, bottles, clothes, diapers. Try not to make it complicated. In the thick Costa Rican jungle, I see families living in one room with their babies. 3 year olds have just a handful of toys consisting of a broken off broom handle and dump trucks. Compare these situations with kids in typical western society – who can literally have hundreds of toys laying around. Enrichment is wonderful. Pick 4 or 5 educational toys with books and you already have a diverse source of entertainment for your little one. Try to remember what’s important and what’s not worth stressing over. Instead of buying maternity clothes I used clothes that were already roomy before. Lucky for me much of the time summer-like conditions mean I can wear dresses and stretchy shorts. I couldn’t help but notice one pregnancy tracking website recommend new products to buy each week. One week it was a body pillow and skin oil, the next week it was maternity pajamas. Imagine if I believed I needed all that useless stuff? My King sized pillows work great for sleep support and pajamas could easily consist of my husband’s t shirt or flowing nighties I already own. Rubbing coconut oil on a growing belly or moisturizer you already have works just fine. Check your closet thoroughly and don’t be swayed to stock up on everything on the market at each stage.

Feeling Blue? It’s normal. I felt EMOTIONS in my third month but depression and lethargy can hit at anytime – other women have serious post-partum blues; it’s important to recognize your feelings and do something positive or talk to someone! I am grateful my husband and family are priceless support.
Be as healthy and kind to yourself as possible, drink tonnes of water and take what advice appeals to you and your situation. People’s opinions don’t affect you in any way – remember to trust yourself during your pregnancy and you’ll have a better time. Go with your heart!
Add your own tips for comfort and positive pregnancy notes below in the comments!
Tell me some of the absurd things people have said during your pregnancy!
Thank you I found your tips helpful I am in month 4 and every month seems to have been like month 3 for me. Wail!
2nd Trimester was better, I hope it gets better for you. Hang in there. Let me know how you are doing!