Learn these expert secrets for enhanced fitness training and performance. I stay fit year ’round… and I do it effortlessly because I adopt this as a way of life!
See improved results – faster!
1. Sort out your music/headphones before you set foot in the gym. Untangle your headphones and have your playlist ready.
2. Know what you are doing before each session. Plan your workout. Always have a goal in mind. Know what body parts you are going to work out.
3. Train hard. Train like you are in the army. Do the rough stuff: Full Pushups, Burpees, Leg raises and ab moves using your entire body weight. P90X Abs is my favourite regular ab routine. It gives me hardcore abs.
4. Eat proper! It means eating less animal products, eliminating breads and dairy, curbing sugar intake and seriously upping water intake. I write numerous posts on what to eat!
5. Be honest with yourself. Be aware. Only you control what you eat and how much you move.
6. Consistency is key. Make these healthy eating habits a part of your lifestyle.
7. You don’t have to do agonizing cardio. Yes that’s right. Instead: EAT way LESS. You can significantly add definition by substituting intense stretching for cardio.
8. Do what you love. Play sports. Get outdoors, go kayaking. Swim. Exercise does not have to be boring!
9. Diet is fundamentally most important. Not to repeat ourselves: but, if you do not have the diet aspect down in the fitness equation, the results will not add up for you. Learn here.
10. Work with a trainer. Take classes. Over the years I have been blessed to work with many yogis, aerobic instructors, and boxing coaches who taught me much of what I know about fitness.
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Theresa Longo nominated at Luminary Awards. A celebration of remarkable achievements of local women in business who inspire Peterborough community. Read more