Watch a brand new demo reel cut featuring Theresa Longo.
Theresa acts in a variety of scenes in her ACTOR REEL – Watch it here…
Watch a brand new demo reel cut featuring Theresa Longo.
Theresa acts in a variety of scenes in her ACTOR REEL – Watch it here…
Hemp Superfood Facts! Did you know about these astonishing health benefits found in Hemp Protein and in raw, hemp seeds? See this post for the powerful results of hemp protein as fuel!
Recently Jack Boland photographed Theresa Longo at a scenic spot for
Post Media Corporation. The photos were featured in print across Canada and online. Actor Theresa Longo has been featured as a Sunshine girl a record number of times! See all the photos here!
Fresh from a movie set and onto the next big thing! Music, movies and more. This is the official 2017 press kit for actress, influencer and brand ambassador Theresa Longo.
Putting the spotlight on rising Canadian Talent! In this interview, country-rock musician Anthony Tullo talks growing success as a musician. He has an excellent message for those trying to make it in the entertainment business …
Brian Baker photographed these incredible photos! Brian is a photojournalist and editor at Chrome Magazine. Fun photoshoot fact: These photos were shots at Evergreen Brickworks Toronto…
Mining Minute is the new web series co-hosted by Theresa Longo focused on KWG Resources CEO Frank Smeenk and other ‘Ring of Fire’ players. Ontario’s Ring of Fire, it is arguably the economic opportunity of ours and future generations of Canadians. Watch it here!
Canadian born actor Theresa Longo nominated for “Best supporting Actor” for her role in BLUR at the International Film Maker Festival in BERLIN 2016. Theresa shares her thoughts on the performance nod here…
24TH RAINDANCE FILM FESTIVAL ANNOUNCES HIGHLY ANTICIPATED LINE-UP including the UK Premiere of BLUR the movie directed by George D’Amato, featuring actress Theresa Longo in one of the more lighthearted moments in the film, see it here!
“I Love Attawapiskat” is a national campaign that is rapidly growing into a global movement. Actor Theresa Longo shares a special message for the Youth of Attawapiskat here…