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Workout Motivation & Inspiration

By Beauty Secrets, Beauty Tips, Fitness, Inspiration

One day at the gym, after running around 20-ish kilometers on the treadmill, I hopped off to walk around the track and a man walked right up to me.  “How far did you run?” He asked. “23 kilometers,” I told him.  “I used to be able to do that,” he replied.

He then pointed to his knee and told me he had injured his knee years ago, and after surgery, he wasn’t able to run anymore, let alone run long distances. He told me that if he was able to, he would still run.

This got me thinking. There are many people in the world who are physically unable to work out. There are also many of those in the world who are perfectly capably able to work out, yet who choose not to. I will always remember my conversation with this ex-runner. Now I make it a point to schedule my workouts so that I literally have no excuse to miss them.

Every week, make it a point to write your workouts into your planner and in your smartphone. Ask Siri to make a reminder for you. There really is no excuse for working out. No one ever regrets a vigorous workout.

How motivating!

Click here for more fitness inspiration!
>Make your workouts make sense for YOU!
>Just do it.
>Give it your all when it is time to work. Your mind & body thank  you.

Make the MOST of your Fitness Regime: Part 3 in Ultimate Health Tips

By Beauty, Beauty Secrets, Fitness, Health Tips, How-To, Inspiration, Model Stuff, Theresa Longo

I keep track of things I do regularly to optimize my health and wellness. This translates to high impact cardio, An ab workout, or maybe extra pushups during the day. It is exciting to reach fitness goals and watch your body change shape. Read this post to find out my optimal fitness suggestions, you will find you begin to effortlessly achieve the body, health, wellness, & state of mind you desire…

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