My GO-TO? Comfort! Ditch heels, prefer practicality for public appearances! Photographer George Dimitroff captures my casual pregnancy looks in the final weeks! Stay comfortable
My GO-TO? Comfort! Ditch heels, prefer practicality for public appearances! Photographer George Dimitroff captures my casual pregnancy looks in the final weeks! Stay comfortable
Photographer Jack Boland teams up with top-model Theresa Longo in Summer 2015 for a white hot swimsuit shoot. See the Gallery of Photos Here!
Actress and international model Theresa Longo teams up with photographer Nathan Mann to create photos along with a gorgeous Dodge Challenger…
Brian Baker photographed these incredible photos! Brian is a photojournalist and editor at Chrome Magazine. Fun photoshoot fact: These photos were shots at Evergreen Brickworks Toronto…
Kicking off 2017 with photographer George Dimitroff and Canadian superstar Theresa Longo together in the studio for a fun, 90s themed cos play based upon Gwen Stefani! See the photos here…
Former Miss Italy and Brand Ambassador Theresa Longo models jaw dropping, luxurious, artful Mme. Weathersby haute couture. All photos by Jonny Lissoos. Makeup by Nidaa Hilmi. See an exclusive photo collection here…
Canadian Feature Film Star Theresa Longo strikes a pose for award winning photographer George Dimitroff in Marina themed photos in the summer of 2016. See the full gallery of photographs after the jump…
Always appreciate the value of Social Media! Twitter has connected Theresa Longo with more directors, designers and agents than any other social media platform. Theresa teams up with Mas Midwest Models and Pullano Photography in these photos!
Recently along the sunny shores of Port Credit, Actress Theresa Longo stopped to pose for Hans Janzen.
Theresa is sporting two new custom made bikinis in this series of photos! See the full gallery of photos here…
Along the summer shores of one of Ontario’s great lakes photographer Mark L. Craighead photographs Canada’s top model Theresa Longo.