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“Social Media, Marketing Oneself & Blogging 101” Theresa Longo, Correspondant to Global Social Media Guru Keith Keller


Have you ever wanted to get into the popular world of blogging, but didn’t know where to start?

Would you like to generate bookings and make money from your social media accounts?

Do you dream of being more active on multiple social media platforms with ease- without taking up much of your time or efforts?

Social media coach Keith Keller knows a lot about social media; in fact, he is known as a “Global Twitter Marketing Specialist”. Hailing from beautiful Australia, Keith is a popular speaker and has appeared on numerous radio shows, tele-seminars, webinars and Google hangouts around the world.

From the other side of the globe, Canadian Actress and Business Specialist Theresa Longo also continues to create original and exciting content while growing a considerable following on social media.

Last year, the pair sat down for an interesting and informative chats about social media, marketing oneself, and blogging.

Theresa Longo – Canadian Correspondant to Global Social Media Guru Keith Keller:

Happy Listening!


“CANADIAN CORRESPONDENT” Theresa Longo talks about Blogging and how WordPress, Tumblr and Blogger differ.

Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the amount of work it takes to manage multiple social media platforms? We also talk about Keith’s brand new project:


Follow Keith Keller global online expert on Twitter

Thanks for following Canadian Superstar Theresa Longo on Twitter too!

Theresa Longo

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Canadian Feature Film Actress & International Model. Qualifications include live television, feature film, radio experience, TV Host, event production, & PR. Theresa flexes her knowledge of brand development and marketing while pursing a career in the arts industry in the heart of downtown Toronto. Skilled as a strategic marketing & planning expert, Theresa Longo travels nationally and internationally as a Corporate Brand Ambassador and loves to write and record original music.