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Live the Life You Dream! Enlightened Coaching & Mentorship with Spiritual Goddess Kamarah Rayne


“She believed she could, and she did!”
Kamarah Rayne (also known as Camara) is an incredibly inspiring, awakened Goddess currently living and mastering dream manifestation.
It is a pleasure to write about Kamarah’s enlightening journey. Her moving story is incredible, almost unimaginable, and definitely powerful.

Kamarah writes ” One of my favorite things to do is to help others realize their dreams and take steps to improve their lives.
If you reach out to me, I will get back to you.”

Kamarah Rayne Around here (, we are all about living the dream! Love, life, Travel and more.
Let this post serve as a gentle omen – If you have a vision of the life you’d love to live… you are looking in the right place! 🙂

Yesterday was  and  hashtag started trending across social media. For anyone who has, or knows someone who has overcome struggle, here’s a simple sign that we have more power over our lives than we know.


Kamarah’s Story

Kamarah Rayne

I am Kamarah Rayne. In the not too distant past I was a broken human being. My two year old daughter died of a brain disease which caused her massive suffering and there was nothing I could do to save her. Nothing I could do but hold her and give her love while she struggled to breathe. Nothing I could do but allow her to die and go home to all that is.

After she died I buried myself in work. Trying to help others with the momentum and adrenaline that my body was still producing as a stress response to help me deal with the situation of the past two years. But after about six months I crashed into a massive depression of grief. It’s a physical feeling like none other and if you’ve never experienced it you cannot understand it. But I will try.

I felt meaningless. I couldn’t feel love. I couldn’t feel fun or enjoyment. I was emotionally unavailable for my older daughter.  I couldn’t imagine having a dream or being excited about anything. I felt like I wanted to sleep all the time and I wished I wouldn’t wake up.

One spring day we were at a large lake and I saw a little girl the same age as my daughter would be playing on the beach with her parents. I started crying. I felt like there was no point in living. Like I was useless and had no purpose. I had failed one of the people that I loved most in the whole world. I thought that the world would be better off without me. So I decided to swim as far as I could out into the chilly lake. I figured either I would make it to the other side or I would drown. I swam for almost two hours. Then some boaters saw me and asked what I was doing in the middle of the lake. I responded I didn’t know. I burst into tears and they took me back to shore. I took myself to the hospital and told them I thought I needed help. That I didn’t want to be alive. They had me see a psychiatrist who gave me a prescription for some heavy duty anti depressants and sent me home.

I knew I needed to make some changes if I wanted to live. I needed to find purpose and joy. I needed to feel love and excitement.

A couple years passed and I still struggled. I was eating my feelings and I had gained a lot of weight. The medication enhanced the weight gain. My partner and I decided to have another child. I hoped that it would heal my heart and allow me to feel love again. It was an emotionally difficult time but I remember a moment when I decided that enough was enough. I was going to succeed in life. That I was going to quit feeling sorry for myself and gather up my inner strength and fight back against the feelings of worthlessness and despair.  The birth of my son helped a lot. I was seeing a counsellor who was really helping me grow.  I started to feel love again. I was terrified of returning to work and leaving my son behind. I just wanted to be with him. To see him do miraculous things like walk and feed himself and talk. Things most people take for granted.

I prayed for a solution. The answer came through a business opportunity. It completely changed my life. I’ve been able to stay home with my family and make more money than I would as an environmental scientist in the oil field.  The product of that company helped me lose my extra weight. I feel beautiful and self confident. I feel excited and driven. I have a purpose to help others succeed and I love teaching them how to achieve what I did. I’ve never felt so good in my life. I feel like I have this incredible secret that everyone needs to know. Your life can be better than mediocre. It can be amazing. You can dream again!

Let me help you achieve that dream. I offer mentor ship and one on one coaching as well as proven business opportunities that you may find interesting.

Learn more at


Thank you for sharing your inspiring story Kamarah. Love and Light!
We love to watch you live your grandest dreams and encourage others to do the same.
Please take this opportunity to follow Kamarah and visit her website

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Canadian Feature Film Actress & International Model. Qualifications include live television, feature film, radio experience, TV Host, event production, & PR. Theresa flexes her knowledge of brand development and marketing while pursing a career in the arts industry in the heart of downtown Toronto. Skilled as a strategic marketing & planning expert, Theresa Longo travels nationally and internationally as a Corporate Brand Ambassador and loves to write and record original music.