Do you find it impossible to grow long hair? Check out these helpful hints. Actress Theresa Longo shares her secrets to long, healthy hair.
[Cover Photograph Theresa Longo – © Nathan Mann Photography]
Theresa: I used to think it was difficult to grow long hair until I met the right people and applied special secrets to obtain serious length.
Here is what worked for me:
1. Visit a helpful stylist. The hairstylist I visit just won Contessa’s 2016 Hairstylist of the Year award – Christopher Asta of Harmony Hair Care, Peterborough. They use Kevin Murphy hair care products: https://kevinmurphy.com.au/products/

Harmony Hair Care BEFORE & AFTER. This IS total hair care! I arrive at Harmony with my hair in a hurricane only to leave looking my best! Having the best stylist definitely helps!
Theresa: It doesn’t matter where I am in the world, I always fly back to Peterborough to have my tresses worked on by Christopher Asta and his award winning team. MEET THE HARMONY HAIR CARE TEAM HERE

Soft hair that is long & strong! Harmony Hair Care delivers Kevin Murphy products, scientifically proven formula for strong, healthy, hair.
The team at Harmony Hair Care is gentle with my hair and have developed a very specific set of guidelines to coloring my baby fine hair. Long and blonde is no easy feat! What is important when growing your own hair is to find a stylist who will closely examine the needs of your hair. Ways to grow your hair longer definitely include having a great stylist!
Theresa’s Colour: (No Bleach used)
Cleanse/Condition with Kevin Murphy vegan hair care products.
(One treatment was initially done in salon – and also with a home repairing treatment).
2. Take your vitamins and drink a ton of water.
Without a doubt I get at least 3L of water per day. My skin, hair and nails thank me for it. Water does help cleanse your body- and as your hair grows it is important to keep your scalp, and skin, optimally hydrated.
Additionally, I load up on Avivo Pur Vitamins. I want vitamins that are pure and organic. Sometimes what you find on the shelves of major retailers have filler or dyes that are not vegan or earth friendly. When I buy Vitamins from Avivo Pur, I know I am getting supreme nutrition. You definitely get what you pay for when it comes to vitamins – your long and strong hair will thank you for it!
See my Avivo Pur Vitamin Results here.
3. Eat a diet rich in omega. – The strongest remedy for hair and nails is pure, protein packed Natera Hemp Protein. Since taking Natera Hemp Protein – my skin, hair and nails are fortified and exceptionally strong. Hemp is one of the most nutritionally packed source of protein available for humans to eat. Hemp is loaded with plant based omega (no impact to the world’s oceans). Hemp Protein is fully sustainable and high in brain boosting Omega. With a full broad amino acid profile (20+ amino acids including ALL essential amino acids that the body needs and 50% daily iron intake) Natera is Packed with nutrients for strong hair and nails, also one of the easiest proteins to digest in the world. (NO soy, no animal products, super high in protein!)
ORDER your #HempProtein and #HempSeed at www.nateralife.com
Fuelled by Natera: WHY HEMP PROTEIN IS SO GOOD for your Body https://theresalongo.com/fuelled-by-natera/
4. Wash/Rinse your hair in cool/cold water. Although this is somewhat debatable since I have been doing it I personally notice stronger hair. I use cool water (not hot) on my hair and scalp. Cold/Cool water allegedly closes the hair cuticle and seals moisture into the hair shaft. I love the way my hair feels after a condition and a cool rinse. It is baby soft and super strong!
5. Have patience! Brush and Baby your hair. When hair is wet, only use a wide tooth comb/pick (always be gentle with wet hair, or baby fine hair.) To detangle hair always start at the bottom when brushing and work your way up. Take time to detangle slowly. Be more aware of your hair. Invest in quality products for your hair. 2016 Hairstylist of the Year award Winner and Harmony Hair Care Founder Christopher Asta has another secret weapon: His must have tool is a brush: “The Centaure from France, it’s my everything in one brush, it’s soft bristles can both tease and smooth. I have two with me at all times in case I lose one.
Additional Tip: Avoid brushing soaking wet hair. When hair is sopping wet, use your fingers to detangle and air dry your hair before using a wide-tooth comb on it.
Thanks for following these fabulous tips for longer, stronger hair!
Read additional Hair Care Questions Here!
More Ways to Wear your Hair Here – STYLE IDEAS!