Positivity, optimism and attaining a better understanding of life through the expansion of consciousness are all ways to improve the quality of your life. If you seek to align your current self with the ultimate grandest vision you have about yourself, continue reading. This post serves to help you order and organize all aspects of your life. These are the life-tips I swear by. Learn to effectively sort through everything you see and hear in a day while continuously and consciously creating and living out your dreams. It is a real challenge to achieve and maintain order and total peace in your life. Understand there is great difficulty in manifesting and executing goals daily, but you can do it. It will take time but slowly you will notice pleasant changes in your life if you follow these tips.
Please believe you can do this!
The first thing you need to understand about life is to put yourself first. Respect yourself above all. You help others best when you are at your own best. Achieving goals involves fully practicing truth, kindness, empathy, and compassion toward every living thing while having ensured your own well-being. This is why it is important to raise yourself up first before dealing with others around you. To make time for yourself is totally important in gaining control over your life. Forget about what is on TV, on Facebook, Twitter, Text Messaging, & ‘What’s in the News’; rather – spend time working on what it is you truly love to do. Gaining control of your mind is key. You are in a battle with your own mind. Know this. Your mind can sabotage you. Your mind will tell you ALL SORTS of chatter, about everything. Learning to quiet the chatter in your mind is an ongoing fight in itself, but it can be controlled by paying attention to your thoughts as you hear them. Your mind will try to convince you to stop running early. Your mind will try to get you to skip your workout ‘just this once’ today. Your mind may convince you it’s OK to drop effort and it will rationalize you away from reaching your goals – if you let it. Now that you know about this trick your mind plays on you, learn to outsmart it. This is about re-training your mind. Recognize your thoughts. It takes practice and time. Push through the point where you think you cannot do any more and impress yourself greatly.
One of the first things to do in the morning immediately upon waking (before opening your eyes) is meditate and dry brush your skin. I use Prana Brush. Watch your thoughts, pay attention to nothing but your every breath. Tell yourself about the type of amazing day you will have when you first realize you are awake. Eating properly is essential to feeling incredible.Within an hour of waking, drink at least 2 glasses of water to kickstart your metabolism, and make yourself a bomb raw food breakfast. I make a shake because it is convenient and easy. Here are my top 10 reasons for choosing vegetarianism/veganism.Try to aim for 4-5 days of 20 minute cardio every week while incorporating strength training exercises and yoga. Try to choose different muscle groups to wear out every workout. Check out my post about Metabolism Boosting Foods. Here is a post aimed at helping you eat properly more of the time. The secret is believing you truly can achieve your goals.
Write things down. Writing things down materializes your thoughts and allows you to visualize your goal. You may only write positive things down. The only rule to remember about what you write is that it must always be positive, and it must be in the present moment. Writing in the present moment means writing it as if you already have anything you could ever want or need. Technically this is true – but to manifest this as tangible you must write it as being real. Avoid writing any terms like ‘I want’, or ‘I am going to’, or ‘I will have’ . Remember, write in the present moment. Write to say: “I now have,” or “Right Now, the universe shows me…” etc.
Use a day planner, and physically write in it. Yes. The old fashioned way. Writing things down is thorough and highly effective. Always write short lists, goals, daily to do lists, and write in a day book. Utilize technology for this purpose as well – but write things down in a planner where you can see the entire week or month, and physically write training sessions in to make it true. Similarly revisit goals often and write down exactly how you envision life to be in a book separate from a daily planner. Writing works. Writing is sufficient but it can also expand into creating a vision board for yourself. A vision board is a collection of pictures, words, or sayings that represent something you always wanted to accomplish. Nick Cannon famously said ‘Vision Boards’ brought Mariah Carey into his life! See your goals, and then cross them off as you accomplish them. It feels amazing!
Yet another life tip: Keep your house, drawers, closets and crawl-spaces clean! It is possible to keep everything meticulously clean – in fact, this should be a standard you demand for yourself always! Eat well, and maintain good order within your home. Pinpoint the area in which to spend time organizing. When your home and your closets are in order – you live clutter free. Donate and rid yourself of things you do not use. Once you have cleaned up your life, work to keep it that way or hire someone to clean for you! I love to come home to a fresh, clean house always. Importantly, when you spend time organizing or cleaning out your closet – use the time to pay close attention to your own thoughts. Here are even more life tips in a post titled Ultimate Health Tips.
When you gain control of your life you automatically align yourself with the highest possible vision you have for yourself. You can, and should, dream big! Aim to be extraordinary. You were born to shine. Practicing the tips in this post will help you to quickly propel yourself onward and upward. You will walk around with a pleasant glow about you. Others will be drawn to you. People will feel better themselves just by being in your presence. Choosing to show kindness, patience, empathy and compassion in every situation only accelerates your goal setting skills. Being there for others becomes second nature when you learn to fulfil your own needs first. Know it is very difficult. Many are called, few are chosen. Some days I do not feel like working out or eating good – this is when you must try your hardest to push past what your mind tells you. Try out the tips in this post and remember to thank me later. Follow me on Twitter: Follow @TheresaLongo
Practicing rigorous life discipline leads to ground-breaking emotional insight and personal growth.
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Here is a 3 step Blog Series to help you Achieve your Dream Body!