The similarities are uncanny! Meghan Markle and Theresa Longo were both married May 2018. Both ladies delivered their babies on the SAME DAY: May 06 2019 at almost the same time on the clock separated by 12 hours (5:29 AM/PM).
NOW in a total plot twist, in 2020 BOTH ladies are picking up their families and GOING TO CANADA!
Theresa Longo is set to place her feet on Canadian soil February 2020 to return to her role in the heart of Canada’s best city of Toronto, Ontario. She shall arrive at her long-time Toronto condominium from a tropical paradise, having skipped much of the harsh Canadian Winter.
Both spouses are essentially leaving everything they’ve ever known to accompany their wives to the Great White North.
Theresa is said to be thankful for her ‘freedom’ to work and travel with brands she chooses – and now it looks like Meghan will also get a taste of the good life … a life outside of the Royals.
What’s with all the similarities between these two?
May 2018 *Married (Theresa likes her dress better!)
May 06, 2019 *Babies born
2020 *Touch down in CANADA
(with the whole family for the first time)
We’ll be interested to see how this plays out!
Would you rather be a Royal?

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