I was not born to be forced. I will breathe after my own fashion. Let us see who is the strongest
– Henry David Thoreau
As published at https://zstacklife.com/blogs/news
Dr. Vladimir “Zev” Zelenko discovered and implemented early Covid-19 treatment that over the past two years is responsible for saving millions of lives worldwide, has passed away after a long battle with rare cancer. He was 48.
While he was nominated along with other courageous doctors for a Nobel Prize in recognition of his groundbreaking treatment and outspoken advocacy on behalf of patients. For the most part Zev faced censorship and condemnation for his taking a bold stand against prevailing orthodoxy. Politicians and health officials worldwide attempted to either downplay or outright deny the efficacy of the Zelenko protocol and its simple, low-cost treatment path.
Dr. Zelenko was more than a physician. An activist and a businessman, a man of deep faith, incredible love for his family, and a tireless inspiration to the company. He never fears speaking truth to power or about issues he cares deeply about. Dr. Zelenko is a man of great, subtle humor and deep intellect. For every verbal jab he threw at the tired and incompetent establishment, a dozen more light-hearted laughs were spent with him and the team. Dr. Zelenko could laugh at himself as easily as others, and was always in great spirits, no matter the darkness that surrounded him – something easily overlooked in today’s climate of hypersensitivity.
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Diagnosed with rare cancer in early 2018 and told of its 100 percent terminal prognosis, Zev repeatedly referred to it as a gift from God. “Cancer is what prepares me for the Covid-19 pandemic,” He would say. “Without it, I would not have developed my passion for searching for answers that others said couldn’t be found, and without it I could not have held to the persecution and ridicule I received for daring to treat patients. I have looked death in the eye and I have been made ready to meet God. I fear nothing on this earth.”
A man of profound faith believing until the end that God had created a special mission for him on this earth, and that the prayers of millions kept him alive long enough to fulfill that mission.
Zev recently announces the formation of his new Z Freedom Foundation, dedicated to continuing his critical work. He also announced the release of his memoirs, titled simply Zelenko, that will be available in late-summer to early fall 2022.
Theresa Longo is a top 15 finalist in 2022’s Maxim Magazine’s CoverGirl Contest.
Winnings to be donated to rare cancer research in memory of those like Dr. Zelenko affected by rare terminal cancer.
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