Theresa is off to CHFA West trade show in beautiful Vancouver, Canada! The Canadian Health Food Association is Canada’s largest trade association dedicated to natural health and organic products. All the TOP BRANDS are at the show…

Brian Baker photographed these incredible photos! Brian is a photojournalist and editor at Chrome Magazine. Fun photoshoot fact: These photos were shots at Evergreen Brickworks Toronto…

During any given day I get A LOT done. I know I am not alone here. Answering emails, delegating business, managing clients, creating original content and promotion is only the tip of the iceberg. How do I manage my time so effectively? I don’t ‘meet for coffee’. Streamline business operations, manage your time more effectively and make meetings more practical…here’s how:

Mining Minute is the new web series co-hosted by Theresa Longo focused on KWG Resources CEO Frank Smeenk and other ‘Ring of Fire’ players. Ontario’s Ring of Fire, it is arguably the economic opportunity of ours and future generations of Canadians. Watch it here!

The most gorgeous boot you’ll ever feel, wear, and show off! “Mme Weathersby Imperial Splendor” is set to be the most fashionable boot in 2017. The finest made boot you will ever own. Mme. Weathersby haute couture creations contain utmost quality craftsmanship lasting generations. See it here for yourself: Officially named 2017’s most fashionable boot…

NEW Sunshine Girl Photos! All Photos Shot by Jack Boland for Sun Media Corporation. See More Photos…
NEW Sunshine Girl Photos! All Photos Shot by Jack Boland for Sun Media Corporation. You may have recognized a familiar face in SUN papers across the nation, Canada. Actress Theresa Longo reveals her favorite baseball player! See More Photos…

Chrome Canada is Canada’s newest lifestyle magazine for men. Chrome celebrated it’s launch with celeb-studded parties in major cities across Canada. Actresses Theresa Longo and Ashley Bonar make an unforgettable appearance at the Toronto launch…

Canadian Feature Film Star Theresa Longo strikes a pose for award winning photographer George Dimitroff in Marina themed photos in the summer of 2016. See the full gallery of photographs after the jump…

Always appreciate the value of Social Media! Twitter has connected Theresa Longo with more directors, designers and agents than any other social media platform. Theresa teams up with Mas Midwest Models and Pullano Photography in these photos!

T&A Productions © Presents: Official 2017 Re-Launch. T&A Productions Ⓒ has been curating content and viral marketing campaigns for years. Find out HOW we boost the #popularity of YOUR #business…