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Brand New Photos! Theresa Longo with Jamo Best

By Inspiration, Make-Up, Model Stuff, Photoshoots, Social Media

Theresa Longo
stops by her hometown of Peterborough Ontario for a fun shoot with Jamo Best. Theresa was recently featured in SUN News for diversifying her portfolio to add a career in the music industry all while operating a successful promotions and event planning empire in the GTA. Theresa Longo will be featured as a Harley Davidson Model at Toronto’s International Motorcycle Show in January.

On shooting with Jamo Best, Theresa says “Shooting with Jamo Best was an exciting, very anticipated, much awaited experience!”.
Shot on location at Strutt Central –  Water St. studio
Check back often for more photos & behind the scenes action from Theresa Longo’s shoot with renowned photographer Jamo Best.

Behind the Scenes:

 Theresa Longo

Follow Theresa on Twitter HERE

Check out more Photos of Theresa Longo  

Theresa Longo’s Expert Make-Up Tips

By Beauty Secrets, Beauty Tips, Dating Tips for Ladies, Image Creation, Inspiration, Make-Up, Model Stuff, Modeling Tips, Photoshoots

Being immersed in the world of hair and makeup puts me face to face with professional makeup artists from around the world!  Over the years I have amassed a vast number of expert make up tips to share with you. This post outlines my typical routine for photo shoot make up. To determine a less dramatic every-day -wear-look, this post has been divided into two parts: Every Day Wear & Photo Shoot Flair. I have worked with a lot of talented, inspiring make up artists. They are highly passionate and love to be creative. Check out my beauty secrets and expert makeup tips below:

Every Day Wear

Make-Up Tip #1. Always Start with a Fresh Face
Wash your face before applying make-up. Give your makeup a fresh foundation by cleaning and cleansing thoroughly prior to the ‘paint’.

Make-Up Tip #2 Choose Your Base
For every day wear I love L’Oreal True Match  

 Make-Up Tip #3 Conceal, Contour and Highlight
My favorite makeup tool is undoubtedly YSL Touche Eclat.  I use this above and below my outer brows, around my mouth, nose, and along the bridge of my nose. YSL Touche Eclat actually perfectly conforms to your skin tone and can be used to spot treat as well. I have included a contour diagram. The white shows where to use your YSL Touche Eclat on your face for best results. I use my clean fingers to blend my make-up. Check your face in natural light to ensure you do not have any unsightly streaks!

Make-Up Tip #4 – Beautify those Brows
Beef up your brow game with a great eyebrow pencil. When your eyebrows are well done you can get away with wearing as little make-up as possible. If you think you need a more permanent solution, then you could even get in touch with Carlita PMU or an equally qualified expert for a microblading procedure that can give you natural-looking, fuller brows to suit your face. Good brows frame your face and make you look put together. For the best brows, a tip is to angle your brows, starting where your inner eye creases with the angle peaking ever so slightly out of center of your eyeball when you are looking straight ahead. Lastly your brow should end at the outer corner of your eye, approximately on the same level as your brow started. See Diagram. My favorite brow pencils include Maybeline and MAC eye brow pencil.

Make Up Tip #5- Luxurious Lashes
If you plan on turning your look up a notch for club wear or for a phot0 shoot, please proceed to Make-Up Tip #7 now. For every day wear, line your eyes with liner and brush a couple coats of mascara on your lashes. Here is a great tip for eyeliner: When drawing the line on your upper lid, the widest part of your line should be above your eyeball. Many ladies widen the line as it nears the corner of your eye; If you want to open up your eyes and make them more round, make sure your eye liner is thickest over your eye ball only.

Make-Up Tip #6 – Lovely Lips
Finish off your every day wear with lip gloss. Fresh, dewy lips are a must for your every day wear look.


Make-Up Tip #7. Applying False Lashes
Many ladies tell me they have a hard time applying false lashes, I’ve heard from ladies that  it’s ‘messy’ or ‘impossible’. For me, I have mastered the trick to applying perfect lashes every time. You will need a pair of tweezers, and eyelash glue. I love QUO products. First, make sure you put each lash on the correct eye! Put the widest part of the last toward the inner corner of your eye! Many ladies apply the lash starting with smallest end first. To make your eyes appear round and wide ensure the longest lashes are next to the bridge of your nose. This will open your eyes and make them full and gorgeous. If you would rather apply the lash smallest end first- that is fine; however I am simply outlining the professional make up tricks I have learned over the years of working in the modeling industry. So, now you know which lash goes on which eye, cut the lashes in case they are too long or too wide. Take the first lash in your hand and apply a band of glue along the edge of the lash. Wait a few seconds, and gently lay it over your own lashes along the base of the lash line against your eye lid. To further solidify the lashes, and to prevent them from permanently popping up, use your tweezers to carefully bond the false lashes against your own. Always look away from the tweezers when bringing them anywhere near your eye.

Make-Up Tip #8. Define your Eyes!
After you have applied your lashes, add base hues to your eye lid. I prefer a reddish, rust colored base, gold, deep greys and purples to accent my brown eyes. Add Mascara and Eye Liner. Go back to Make-Up Tip #5 for useful tricks to applying perfect, professional grade, eye liner and mascara after color.

Make-Up Tip#9. Bronzer or Blush
I rarely wear blush or bronzer unless a MUA applies it. Reserved for public appearances or TV blush or bronzer really amps my look. Blush should be applied sweeping from the center of your face below the apple of your cheek all the way up to the highest point on your cheek bone.

Make-Up Tip#10. Lavish Lips!
My look is finalized by lining my lips with a color slightly darker than the hue of my lips and a quality gloss. There are endless options for lips. For glossy color, apply a coat of clear gloss over your favorite lipstick color. You can also leave your lips nude and glossy, or alternatively forego the gloss and wear a matte finish color for a classic, sexy look. In the cold winter months or in the hot summer sun, Lip Medex protects, smoothes, and saves my lips.

Thank You for Checking Out My Expert Make-Up Tips.

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Your Ultimate Guide to Hair Care & Repair

By Beauty Secrets, Beauty Tips, Inspiration, Model Stuff

Have you ever had a question about hair or wondered about a hair myth ? We’ve got the answers here in this blog! This blog is ultra special because he has agreed to offer powerful insight into ANY my most pressing hair myths & questions! We’ve also got incredible references to back up the fine points to this discussion & to shed additional light on how to get the most flair from your hair…

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Workout Motivation & Inspiration

By Beauty Secrets, Beauty Tips, Fitness, Inspiration

One day at the gym, after running around 20-ish kilometers on the treadmill, I hopped off to walk around the track and a man walked right up to me.  “How far did you run?” He asked. “23 kilometers,” I told him.  “I used to be able to do that,” he replied.

He then pointed to his knee and told me he had injured his knee years ago, and after surgery, he wasn’t able to run anymore, let alone run long distances. He told me that if he was able to, he would still run.

This got me thinking. There are many people in the world who are physically unable to work out. There are also many of those in the world who are perfectly capably able to work out, yet who choose not to. I will always remember my conversation with this ex-runner. Now I make it a point to schedule my workouts so that I literally have no excuse to miss them.

Every week, make it a point to write your workouts into your planner and in your smartphone. Ask Siri to make a reminder for you. There really is no excuse for working out. No one ever regrets a vigorous workout.

How motivating!

Click here for more fitness inspiration!
>Make your workouts make sense for YOU!
>Just do it.
>Give it your all when it is time to work. Your mind & body thank  you.

Make the MOST of your Fitness Regime: Part 3 in Ultimate Health Tips

By Beauty, Beauty Secrets, Fitness, Health Tips, How-To, Inspiration, Model Stuff, Theresa Longo

I keep track of things I do regularly to optimize my health and wellness. This translates to high impact cardio, An ab workout, or maybe extra pushups during the day. It is exciting to reach fitness goals and watch your body change shape. Read this post to find out my optimal fitness suggestions, you will find you begin to effortlessly achieve the body, health, wellness, & state of mind you desire…

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