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Brand Ambassadorship


Portraits of Health – Photos by George Dimitroff

By Actress, Appearances, Art, Beauty, Brand Ambassadorship, Brand Representation, Canadian Actress, Canadian International Model, Environment, Fitness, Health Tips, Healthy, Model Stuff, Photography, Photos, Photoshoots, Published Articles, Red Carpet, Runway, Social Media, Spotlight, Theresa Longo, Vegan

For four months, George Dimitroff followed Theresa Longo to her events and locations documenting many real facets of a fit, healthy and happy lifestyle. Never before have all the photos been showcased online until now! See all 12 “Portraits of Health” here…

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What is dry brushing? Prana Brush is the BEST, Anti-Aging Skin Brush!

By Advice, Beauty, Beauty Secrets, Beauty Tips, Brand Ambassadorship, Fitness, Healing, Health Tips, Healthy, How-To, Luxury, Social Media, Spotlight, Theresa Longo

Find out how to use the best, handmade dry brush on the market: Prana Brush. Learn why dry-brushing is detoxifying and anti-aging too! Prana Brush is designed to be used without water, soap or oil. These hand-made, highest quality brushes are made with extra-fine ion charged copper bristles. Negative ions protect your body and have numerous health benefits. Read on to find out more about this amazing, anti-aging skin brush!

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Birdy’s Daughter Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee: Online Store!

By Black and White, Brand Ambassadorship, Brand Representation, Food, Fun Stuff, Health Tips, Healthy, Luxury, Reviews, Social Media, Spotlight, Theresa Longo, Toronto

I love coffee! As a mom to a 21 month old, I really appreciate (need) to savor a morning coffee. When I learned about the incredible quality and organic grow conditions of Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee, I tried some to see what was so different about this coffee.

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Theresa Ford Lincoln

The Lincoln Continental: A Car That Lights Up When it Sees You

By Actress, Brand Ambassadorship, Brand Representation, Canadian Actress, Canadian International Model, Cars, Celebrities, Clothing, Commercial, Fashion, Film & TV, International, Luxury, Photography, Photos, Photoshoots, Published Articles, Reviews, Social Media, Technology, Theresa Longo, Travel, Trips

The Car That Lights Up When it Sees You. A Review of The Lincoln Continental! Theresa Longo wears Animapop Summer Collection. See the specs and technology that make this futuristic car stand out from the rest…

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It’s Best to Work for Yourself (How You Can Too!)

By Advice, Brand Ambassadorship, Brand Representation, Business Tips, How-To, Inspiration, Investor Relations, Production, Published Articles, Spotlight, Technology, Theresa Longo, Travel, Uncategorized

Working for yourself has countless benefits like maintaining your own schedule, having choice and variety in your routine and the ability to become financially free.  Why let the government tell you your wage or how many paid sick days you should get? This article outlines why working for yourself is the best choice you can make and details how you can easily make the transition.

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