Avoid Job Scams! ONLINE PERPETRATORS MASK IPS, CREATE FAKE EMAILS, FORMS and more. BE ALERT! Know the signs of a scam!
Avoid Job Scams! ONLINE PERPETRATORS MASK IPS, CREATE FAKE EMAILS, FORMS and more. BE ALERT! Know the signs of a scam!
News about Project Playbook – internet safety guide for kids and adults.
“Project Playbook” launched this November 2017 throughout schools in Ontario! Project Playbook is a specialized program designed to empower! Project Playbook offers sound advice and practical tips for staying safe online and in the real world, too.
Ever suspect your mobile phone could be affecting your health? FAZUP Anti-Radiation patch for phone scientifically tested in France to eliminate and reduce tinnitus and sleep problems while protecting you! If you use your phone A LOT, you’ll want to read THIS!