Drive Festival is in it’s 3rd year, attracting auto enthusiasts from far and wide for this interactive event. Regarding Luxury shows off some of the best moments from the exciting weekend. See it all here:
Drive Festival is in it’s 3rd year, attracting auto enthusiasts from far and wide for this interactive event. Regarding Luxury shows off some of the best moments from the exciting weekend. See it all here:
An exclusive preview of Van Gogh by Car, the world’s first drive-in immersive art exhibit in the heart of downtown Toronto, Presented by Volvo.
“Project Playbook” launched this November 2017 throughout schools in Ontario! Project Playbook is a specialized program designed to empower! Project Playbook offers sound advice and practical tips for staying safe online and in the real world, too.
Fresh from a movie set and onto the next big thing! Music, movies and more. This is the official 2017 press kit for actress, influencer and brand ambassador Theresa Longo.
TIFF 2015 saw film screenings, parties, private receptions and more! Actress Theresa Longo was spotted among the mix at the Anomalisa reception and at the party for “Mr Right.”
Behind the scenes coverage from top Canadian runway Model Theresa Longo at Mass Exodus 2015. “Mass Exodus'” production is the largest student run Fashion Event in the world!
Supermodel Theresa Longo signs Calendars at the Canadian International Auto Show held at the Metro Toronto Convention Center from Feb. 12 -21! Find out what she loves THE MOST about the Canadian International Auto Show! Find Theresa at the Toronto SUN booth located at center stage signing SUNshine girl Calendars and meeting fans all day long.