Working for yourself has countless benefits like maintaining your own schedule, having choice and variety in your routine and the ability to become financially free. Why let the government tell you your wage or how many paid sick days you should get? This article outlines why working for yourself is the best choice you can make and details how you can easily make the transition.
The perfect reversible dress from ANIMAPOP makes it’s landing at YPQ Airport, Canada. Made in Italy, Animapop dresses make a statement around the world. See the two sides to this dress from the Animapop Summer 2017 Collection…
During any given day I get A LOT done. I know I am not alone here. Answering emails, delegating business, managing clients, creating original content and promotion is only the tip of the iceberg. How do I manage my time so effectively? I don’t ‘meet for coffee’. Streamline business operations, manage your time more effectively and make meetings more practical…here’s how:
Beauty Queen and “Miss Superbowl 2015” Theresa Longo poses for Jack Boland.