Friday night at the ROM is an incredibly unique evening in the heart of downtown Toronto …
From http://www.rom.on.ca/ :
” ROM Friday Night Live returns with a BANG!
… the best Eats, Beats, and Bigger, Bolder Experiences.
New this season: Galleries are now open until 11 PM, so you can dance, explore and wander your way through the Museum until close. Excited? We are. Tell everybody!
Friday nights May 2 to June 27, 7-11:45 PM “
Here is Stefania and I last night having the BEST time hosting this spectacular bash- We presented ROM partygoers with an unforgettable Ford
photo experience in spirit of the ‘MAY TWO-FOUR’ Long Weekend! 
Click for more information on Friday Night Live at the ROM remaining dates
May 23 Museum Confidential
May 30 Strictly Forbidden
June 6 Beats
June 13 Indigenous Now
June 20 Sun Burn
June 27 ROM Proud