‘The Cocksure Lads’ are a fictitious British pop band from the 60’s; created by a couple of Moxy Fruvous members in the early 90s, who loved writing songs in the style of early Brit pop. Eventually the members wrote and recorded enough songs under the ‘Cocksure Lads’ name that it was time to release a ‘Greatest Hits’ album: a collection of the band’s mock songs from “1963-1968”. A storyline was written around this imaginary band – which spawned the idea of a Canadian Feature Length Film. ‘The Cocksure Lads’ the movie, set in the modern streets of Toronto, begins as a story from 1968: The Cocksure Lads are on the verge of starting a massive tour but have a serious fight and break up…
Read: The Cocksure Lads – The Biggest 60’s Brit Pop Band That Never Existed!
Exclusive Photo: Theresa Longo on set as a red hot nurse in the film “The Cocksure Lads”. Theresa stars in a guitar solo in Canadian feature length film written and directed by Murray Foster of Moxy Fruvous and Great Big Sea…
Stay tuned for this exciting film, with cameos from several recognizable Canadian stars!
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Theresa nailed it: The Rockstar Pose!

Regarding Luxury TV is a show covering what's new and trending in luxury life. Directed, produced and hosted by Theresa Longo, for regardingluxury.com. Subscribe to the channel and watch the…

Theresa Longo was recently featured twice across Canada in Sun News digital & print editions! Book Theresa Longo now for Summer & 2024