Looking to break into the artistic world of image creation?
My specialty is image creation PR, Marketing & brand representation.
I am here to help you realize your brand & materialize your dreams.
I recently gave a talk at Strutt Central for aspiring models looking to focus their career in modeling or brand representation. As with any industry under the ‘arts’ umbrella, there is a role for people of all shapes and sizes.
This class included an emphasis on image creation, posing, motivation, modeling tips, and tricks, as well as the reality behind the business of modeling. Here is a brief overview of the class in case you missed it!
- Interactional features of this class included a Mini – Mock Photo Shoot complete with posing critique; promotional modeling crash course where we simulate an actual promotional modeling experience, as well as an open question and answer period.
Course Introduction | My modeling career thus far. Here I talk about how I started into modeling…
My background consists of Experience, World Travel, & Education: An honours business degree coupled with experience in the financial sector; as well as years of successfully executed events.
The reality of modeling: more specifically: the difference between reality and modeling.
Image & Image Creation. More on this during the Promotional Modeling Crash Course.
Mini Photo Shoot Exercise: (Shot with an in-studio Photographer)
Each model has his or her chance in front of the ‘camera’!
This is considered a fast paced shoot where we need to get the shot we are looking for!
Mock Portfolio Shoot: You are doing a test shoot! You have the chance to book 60 minutes with one of the best photographers in the city. Should your look be approved: you will be allowed 3 outfit changes. 20 minutes per outfit.
This opportunity is excellent for your portfolio. You should go to the test shoot prepared with your poses. You are required to develop a series of 3 or 4 key poses on the spot.
Step 1 : Show us your 3 -4 ‘go-to’ poses! Step 2: I critique, & make adjustments if necessary. Step 3: Practice your poses one last time and go for Gold!
I also teach: Confidence Boosters, Motivation & The business of modeling.
Treat your modeling as you would any career. Be contentious of your brand.
Here I offer tips on health and wellness as well as taking care of yourself.
I teach you how to deal with others who are in the business of modeling.
How to build your brand and create value behind your image & representation.
Promotional Modeling
Promotional modeling is all about image. You are everyone’s sweetheart!
Sample Interaction: You are hired by one of your clients to represent their products at an International Trade Show. When you arrive they tell you what you will be saying to customers. You are required to smile and be engaging at all times.
Introduction to Modeling with Theresa Longo – STRUTT – January 28 1
STRUTT: Intro to Modeling with Theresa Longo
The Challenge: Every model is provided with a cue card detailing the item they are promoting. Each model has a minute or two to learn the material and sell us with your pitch.
Then, you are on your own. You are the booth babe and I throw you into situations with customers.
The Big Moment: You’re On! Model will practice this technique in a mock environment, while 1 or two customers approach. Almost every Situation is different.
Question and Answer Period:
How do I do this? How do I do that? What if I … ? I have always wondered how to…
I am here to answer each and every one of your questions about modeling!
Perhaps modeling is your dream and you are looking for the steps to creating this reality. Maybe you are wondering how you can get the most out of your photo shoots. You may wonder what steps you should take if you are just starting out in the business.
Regardless of your age or gender, you can model! Ask me anything you are interested to know. Anything goes.
Thank you so much for attending today’s class! May all your dreams come true!
For more information about STRUTT Central Modeling & Talent Agency Click Here.